Jonathan McReynolds - My Truth Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: My Truth
  • Album: My Truth
  • Artist: Jonathan McReynolds
  • Released On: 17 Feb 2023
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Jonathan McReynolds My Truth

My Truth Lyrics

Everyone has a God
Whether they notice it or not
Something to glue their beliefs to
As for me, that's something's You

For better or for worse
We all have a life we must preserve
And everyone is on key to their own melody
I just feel Your song was made for me

And everybody has their point of view
And everyone lives like life taught them to
But I'm just gonna keep my eyes stayed on You 'cause
You are my truth

Everyone won't agree
And I don't always live You perfectly
But that doesn't change the strength of Your name
We've got history that can't be erased

Just 'cause everybody has their point of view
And everybody lives like life taught them to
I'm just gonna keep my eyes stayed on You 'cause
You are my truth
Oh, You are my truth

We were helpless when You arrived
And You flipped the game on its side
Then You took the blame and You died
Just so I can have life everlasting

Everybody has their point of view
And everybody lives like life taught them to
But I'm just gonna keep my eyes stayed on You 'cause
You are my truth

Whoa, this world will prepare
A pulpit for theirs
But You
You are my truth

My Truth Video

My Truth Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

My Truth by Jonathan McReynolds: A Journey of Faith and Belief

In the world of Christian music, Jonathan McReynolds is a name that stands out. His powerful lyrics and soulful melodies have touched the hearts of many believers around the world. One of his notable songs is "My Truth," which carries a profound message about faith, belief, and the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on God.

Verse 1:
"Everyone has a God
Whether they notice it or not
Something to glue their beliefs to
As for me, that's something's You"

From the very beginning of the song, Jonathan McReynolds acknowledges the universal truth that everyone worships or believes in something. However, he declares that his belief, his God, is the one that he is devoted to. This sets the tone for the song, emphasizing the personal and intimate relationship with God that McReynolds wants to convey.

"For better or for worse
We all have a life we must preserve
And everyone is on key to their own melody
I just feel Your song was made for me"

The chorus beautifully captures the essence of the song. McReynolds acknowledges that life has its ups and downs, and each person is on their own journey. However, he expresses his conviction that God's song, His plan and purpose for his life, resonates deeply within him. This line portrays the unique and personal connection McReynolds has with God, suggesting that his faith is not based on blind adherence but rather a genuine belief that God's plan is tailor-made for him.

Verse 2:
"And everybody has their point of view
And everyone lives like life taught them to
But I'm just gonna keep my eyes stayed on You 'cause
You are my truth"

In this verse, McReynolds acknowledges the diversity of beliefs and perspectives in the world. He recognizes that everyone lives according to the lessons life has taught them. However, he makes a deliberate choice to fix his eyes on God, considering Him as his ultimate truth. This line reflects the importance of anchoring one's faith in God rather than relying solely on human understanding.

"We were helpless when You arrived
And You flipped the game on its side
Then You took the blame and You died
Just so I can have life everlasting"

The bridge of the song showcases the core message of Christianity – the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. McReynolds highlights the redemptive work of Jesus, emphasizing that humanity was helpless and in need of a Savior. Jesus, through His death and resurrection, brought about a radical change and offered eternal life to those who believe. This segment of the song not only reminds listeners of the foundational truths of Christianity but also deepens their understanding of the significance of their faith.

Critically Analyzing the Biblical Foundation of "My Truth":
The song "My Truth" by Jonathan McReynolds is deeply rooted in biblical principles and truths. It aligns with various passages and themes found in the Bible, showcasing the artist's understanding and application of Scripture in his music. Let us explore some of these biblical references:

1. Personal Relationship with God:
The song emphasizes the personal relationship between the believer and God, which is a consistent theme in Scripture. In the Bible, we find examples of individuals like David, Moses, and Paul, who had intimate relationships with God and sought His guidance and presence in their lives. McReynolds' declaration that God's song was made for him echoes the sentiment expressed in Psalm 139:13-14, where David acknowledges that he is fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

2. Fixing our Eyes on God:
The song encourages believers to keep their eyes fixed on God, which aligns with Hebrews 12:2. The author of Hebrews exhorts believers to fix their eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him. This biblical principle emphasizes the importance of focusing on God amidst life's challenges and uncertainties.

3. The Sacrificial Love of Jesus:
The bridge of the song beautifully captures the essence of the Gospel – the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. It echoes the words of Jesus in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." The bridge reminds listeners of the profound truth that Jesus willingly took the blame and died on the cross to offer eternal life to those who believe in Him.

"My Truth" by Jonathan McReynolds is a powerful song that speaks to the hearts of believers, emphasizing the importance of a personal relationship with God and fixing our eyes on Him. The song's biblical foundation is evident through its alignment with various passages and themes found in Scripture. Jonathan McReynolds' heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies continue to inspire and uplift listeners, reminding them of the truth and beauty of their faith.

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